Growtech Eurasia 2015, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, brings together agricultural professionals from a wide area – extending from European and Balkan countries to the Middle East and from North Africa to the Turkic Republics at the Antalya Expo Center – over four days, from December 2-5, 2015.
The fair – with the full name Growtech Eurasia International Greenhouse, Agricultural Equipment and Technologies Fair – is expected to draw more than 650 leading companies and brands from more than 30 countries as participants this year, with 80,000 sector professionals from 74 countries anticipated as visitors to the Growtech Eurasia 2015 Agriculture Fair.
In a press release, UBM EMEA (Istanbul) Fair Organization Group Director Engin Er said the event is Eurasia’s leading and Turkey’s most comprehensive agricultural fair.
“Turkey, which grew significantly in recent years and now is the world’s 16th and Europe’s 6th largest economy, has the world’s 7th and Europe’s 1st largest agricultural gross national product,” Er said. “As Growtech Eurasia, we are proud to have our share in this success of Turkey as an effective specialized international agricultural fair that stands out more everyday in a wide region extending from European and Balkan countries to the Middle East, from North Africa to the Turkic Republics.”
“Even though there are still two months to the fair, we are fully booked. All sector professionals, nationally and internationally recognized products and services in the fields of Greenhouse and Technologies, Agricultural Technologies and Equipment, Irrigation Systems, Seed Growing, Plant Nutrition and Protection, Biological Intervention, Agricultural Machines and Equipment will meet once again at Growtech Eurasia this year.”
Within the scope of the fair, a Purchase Council Program will be organised by the Western Mediterranean Exporters’ Association with the coordination of the Turkish Ministry of the Economy. At the bilateral discussions of surrounding countries’ potential buyers and decision makers that will allow the development of commerce, agricultural companies will meet and commercial partnerships will be established.
The agriculture fair’s main sponsor is Bactogen, which produces organic fertilisers with an Innovative Agriculture approach, the communications sponsor is Turkcell, which offers the first tailor-made agricultural consulting service of the world with the Turkcell Farmers Union, and the co-sponsor is Findex, a new financial service platform.