GLOBALG.A.P., the world’s largest and most trusted farm certification standards organization, and United Fresh, the nation’s leading produce trade association, invite United Fresh Convention (June 8-10) attendees to stay in Chicago for an exciting one-day conference, Thursday, June 11, with leading agricultural industry and government representatives.
The “TOUR 2015” event from 9am–1p.m. in the McCormick Place Convention Center features a keynote address by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Deputy Commissioner Michael Taylor on the FDA’s view of the role of on-farm audits in the coming era of the landmark Food Safty Modernization Act (FSMA) legislation.
Audit fatigue reduction also on the agenda
The first session examines food safety harmonization and audit fatigue reduction. Moderated by United Fresh’s Senior Vice President of Food Safety, David Gombas, the session’s panelists include Alpine Fresh’s Peter Hill; Costco’s Craig Wilson; Florida Tomato Exchange’s Reggie Brown; Moreland Fruit Farm’s Fred Finney; Walmart’s Kerry Bridges; and Wegmans’ Bill Pool.
Going beyond food safety
Up next, GLOBALG.A.P. explores the rising trend of going “Beyond Food Safety” with a look into sustainability and worker welfare concerns. Environmental consultant Robert Denny will moderate this session with panelists Gavin Bailey of Walmart; Mary O’Rourke of the U.S. Department of Labor; Chris Waldrop of the Consumer Federation of America; Driscoll’s Strawberry Associates’ Tamara Muruetagoiena; and Costco’s Craig Wilson.
Future role of third-party audits in farm certification
The third session looks ahead to the future role of third-party audits in the changing landscape of farm certification, and includes such panelists as the USDA’s Ken Peterson; the Equitable Food Initiative’s Peter O’Driscoll; SQFI’s LeAnn Chuboff; Equicert’s Michael Hari; and sustainability consultant Roberta Anderson.
Key issues for the sector
“These are critical issues for our industry, so I encourage you to consider extending your stay through Thursday’s conference.” said United Fresh’s CEO Tom Stenzel.
GLOBALG.A.P.’s President Kristian Moeller noted: “We greatly value our partnership with United Fresh and are pleased to offer our first North American TOUR event in conjunction with their convention.”
For more information about the program and to register, visit http://www.unitedfreshshow.org/Content/GLOBALGAP-TOUR2015.
Note, registration for this event is separate from registration for the 2015 United Fresh convention.