The United States asparagus crop will be down 8% on last year, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).
Figures released on September 4 also show that strawberry production faces a 4% drop and that of onions 5% compared to that of 2014.
Production of the 2015 asparagus crop is forecast at 685,000 cwt, down 8% on 2014. Area harvested, at 23,500 acres, is down 1%. Total value of the crop, at US $75.7 million, is up 3% from 2014. Fresh production of 530,000 cwt is down 7% on a year ago.
souce. NASS
Strawberry production in the US is forecast at 31.1 million cwt, up 4% from 2014. Area harvested, at 52,800 acres, is down 2%
from last year. Strawberry yield is forecast at 588 cwt per acre, up 37 cwt from 2014.
“In California, warm weather led to an earlier harvest. While the drought has impacted plant growth, production and quality
were reported to be good,” the NASS report said.
Production of the 2015 onion crop is forecast at 69.1 million cwt, down 5% from 2014. Onion growers expect to harvest 133,350 acres in 2015, down 4% from last year. Spring onion growers intend to harvest 21,900 acres, down 18% from last season.
Summer, non-storage onion growers expect to harvest 18,800 acres, down 2% from a year ago, while summer storage onion growers plan to harvest 92,650 acres in 2015, down 1% from last season.
The final tally of 2014 storage onion production is 55.7 million cwt, up 10% from 2013. The 2014 storage crop is valued at $566 million, an increase of 2% from 2013, NASS said.