Apofruit Italia has announced novelties and changes in its management. At a meeting in July, the cooperative’s board of directors confirmed Mirco Zanotti in the chair, and he will continue to have Claudio Biondi and Gianluca Balzani at his side as the two vice-chairs. At the same time, the board completed a wide-ranging internal reorganization and appointed a new CEO to replace Renzo Piraccini, whose term of office recently came to an end. The nominee for the post is young (a 40 year-old executive), confirming that a new generation is coming to the fore, as a sign of the new times. Ilenio Bastioni, who has a brilliant career and plentiful experience in the sector, will be the new CEO of Apofruit, a cooperative with 3300 grower members in different parts of Italy who contribute 235,000 tonnes to achieve a consolidated sales figure of € 255 million. “I am proud of my new role”, said the new CEO, “and grateful to our chairman, Mirco Zanotti, to my prececessor, Renzo Piraccini, and to the board of the cooperative for this vote of confidence in me. I am conscious of the importance of the work that the cooperative has entrusted to me and will embark on this mission with the same passion and dedication I have always devoted to the fruit and vegetable sector”.