East of Scotland Growers (ESG) has joined AHDB’s Farm Excellence programme as the new Strategic Centre for Field Vegetable Crops – Brassicas in Scotland. A series of four trials will […]
Mon 06/07/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

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Kalettes®, the natural hybrid between Brussels sprouts and kale, arrives for the second consecutive year in Spanish supermarkets. Following its success in north and central Europe, this ‘supervegetable’ developed by […]
Thu 27/12/2018 by Richard WIlkinson

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The European balance trade in cauliflower and broccoli rose quite a lot in terms of volume (+2.6% on average between imports and exports), but the traded value remained the same between 2013 […]
Mon 17/10/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

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The UK Brassica Growers’ Association and British Leafy Salad Association are once more joining together to hold a combined conference. The UK Brassica & Leafy Salad Conference will be held […]
Sun 10/07/2016 by Richard Wilkinson