Pan Fresh starting catering division and retail activity
The importer Pan Fresh International opened a new catering division in January in order to directly supply end customers such as restaurants, hotels and food service contractors. “We now hold a larger portfolio of about 80 fruit and 30 vegetable varieties, making us capable of supplying end users with the full range of products they need,” said commercial director Mohammad Ali Arjomandi. Smaller greengrocers and supermarkets are also among the targets of the new division, both in the UAE and other GCC countries. As a result, Pan Fresh has increased its fleet of 40-foot trucks from 15 to 25 units this season. It also operates 30 smaller trucks for local deliveries.
The overall import activity of the group continues to increase, in particular with more specialty varieties, like mangoes and pomegranates. The full exotic line is also more popular, such as mangustan, tamarillo and passion fruit. “Our overseas shipments have increased significantly. Today we offer a very competitive range of items from South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and the US.” Pan Fresh has a proven track record with new businesses requiring more specialties, such as year-round cherry supply, kumquat, and so on. Half of its total imports are re-exports to other GCC countries and beyond, such as to the Caucasus.
The group today employs 200 people and saw sales rise 20% in 2013. Pan Fresh managers see market conditions as favorable for continued growth at the same rate. “Our success lies in providing our customers with the best service and product quality, and on-time delivery,” he said.