Top consumer brands seduce with sustainability

Marketing campaigns are focusing on winning over the consumers of today and tomorrow.
Fri 24/06/2022 by Pierre Escodo & Natalia Bammatova
Azura zero-residue tomatoes launched in 2020
The first "tearless onions" on the market

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With 30 years in operation, the French-Moroccan family group Azura has become Morocco’s number-one tomato brand. Turnover topped €300 million last season. Azura has 16,000 employees, 50 production sites and almost 1,000 ha of tomato crops plus 46 ha of aromatic herbs. Nearly 800 new varieties of tomatoes are tested each year in Azura’s greenhouses. All of Azura’s tomato plants are grown following an integrated biological protection approach. The group has three logistics platforms (in France, the UK and Germany) to serve its clients throughout Europe. Azura’s strategy is based on respect for the environment together with a commitment to society, food safety and the integration of the entire supply chain. Azura’s production is sold to leading European retailers.

EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-BelOrta.jpg″ style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28853272C” title=”EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-BelOrta.jpgBelOrta, new packaging formats

BelOrta has launched new forms of retail packaging for its tomato specialties, strawberries (cardboard & circular plastic punnets) and asparagus. Greenhouse vegetables remain an important part of the assortment, which now features a later start to cucumber production, a slight shift in bell pepper acreage (less red/more yellow) and an increase in tomato acreage, with a particularly sharp increase in area dedicated to the Ruby Red variety (15 ha). The cooperative has also intensified its greenhouse production of cauliflower in winter and spring, and more sweet potato is being planted. The organic range also continues to expand in terms of acreage, number of growers and product range, as exemplified by the introduction of green asparagus. In 2022, BelOrta will continue to develop its organic production. 

EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-DELMONTE.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28891839C” title=”EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-DELMONTE.jpgDel Monte targets premium segment with Grandissimo pineapple

Launched last January in Europe, the Grandissimo pineapple belongs to the Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet variety. Picked when ripe and transported by sea, it has a size-5 calibre and a weight of 2-2.5 kg. The pineapple is affordably priced and grown sustainably. The brand has two other varieties transported by sea that will also satisfy the palate: the Original (greener, picked at optimal ripeness and transported by sea) and Honeyglow (limited series, golden skin, picked at optimal ripeness and transported by sea). Lastly, a fourth variety, also picked at optimum maturity, is transported by air and available 48 hours after harvest. The Del Monte Gold® fresh pineapple is the most widely sold variety worldwide due to its attractive golden colour, juicy and sweet flesh, and range of different sizes. 

EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-FLANDRIA-Brusselss-prouts.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28778153C” title=”EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-FLANDRIA-Brusselss-prouts.jpgFlandria enhances sustainability

The Association of Belgian Horticultural Cooperatives has presented its 2021 sustainability report to its stakeholders. Within the collective project “Responsible Fresh Goodness by Nature”, the five producer cooperatives and their 3,400 producers continue to improve in the area of sustainability. “Achieving further sustainable development is what we, together with our five member-POs and the 3,400 member producers, have been doing in recent years and which we will continue to focus on in the years ahead. The process of achieving sustainability is always changing and on the move and so can never come to an end. If we continue to work together with as much passion and enthusiasm as we have shown in the past, we will definitely make progress towards more sustainability,” said VBT general secretary Luc Vanoirbeek.

EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-PRINCE-de-BRETAGNE.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28778157C” title=”EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-PRINCE-de-BRETAGNE.jpgPrince de Bretagne, number-one brand in France

With 1,700 members and 1,200 horticulture farms located along the coast of northern Brittany, Prince de Bretagne remains France’s top vegetable brand. About 25% of its production is exported, particularly its artichokes, cauliflowers and tomatoes. The firm offers more than 141 varieties and the largest production of organic vegetables, with a range of more than 60 varieties. For this season, Prince de Bretagne will be marketing vegetables “d’Antan”, which offer superior culinary qualities, as part of a line of over 20 products. Among the most popular this season are the black radish, rutabaga, pink navet and topinambour, as well as more colourful vegetables like red-meat radish, blue-meat radish, and yellow and white carrots. In line with the firm’s new sustainability policy, the 5 kg and 500 g formats previously sold in plastic packaging now come in cardboard.

EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-BASF.JPG” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28826129C” title=”EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-BASF.JPGSunions® – tearless onions

Thanks to decades of conventional breeding, chopping onions no longer has to leave you in tears. Sunions® are the first “tearless” onions on the market – a real game-changer in onion genetics. And what’s more, instead of becoming more pungent over time as regular onions do, Sunions® get milder and sweeter when stored. Grown from a seed variety from the Nunhems® assortment, with outstanding consumer benefits, Sunions® have been introduced in collaboration with selected value-chain partners in Spain, Italy, the UK, France and Germany. BASF provides seeds, growing recommendations and quality assurance as well as connecting chain partners from ‘farm to fork’. The use of the brand name is part of a cooperation agreement.

EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-Zespri.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28781044C” title=”EFD178_MARK_CONSUMER_BRANDS_EU_ITWS_LEV1-Zespri.jpgZespri’s new kiwifruit breeding centre

In October, the world’s most famous kiwi brand opened a new kiwifruit breeding centre (KBC) as part of a 50/50 joint venture with Plant & Food Research. Though based in New Zealand, it will also be present in selected kiwifruit regions around the world. KBC’s focus will be to drive greater innovation within kiwifruit breeding, focusing on creating healthier, better-tasting and more sustainable varieties. Zespri CEO Dan Mathieson said the new venture underpinned the industry’s commitment to accelerate innovation and a greater consumer focus. “The KBC represents our commitment to broadening our efforts to explore promising new varieties within our research pipeline and bring these to our growers and consumers faster,” he said. SunGold kiwifruit and Zespri Red are prime examples of successful innovation and cooperation.

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