Stone Fruit under UNITEC magnifying lens
Thanks to the innovative solutions designed and manufactured by UNITEC, packing houses in 24 countries across the world sort more than 17 billion peaches, plums and apricots every year. This amount corresponds to about 2 fruits per person on Earth.
With UNITEC patented technologies, each year about 137,000 tons of stone fruit – equal to around 8% of the product examined – that are not suitable for the fresh market can be separated and directed to a different destination. Once again, these are important quantities if we consider that putting all these fruits side by side, in their average size, would take us twice around the Earth circumference.
These are significant figures, both on the economic and environmental front, and are the result of a strong connection with the market, which is one of UNITEC guiding principles. Listening to customers’ requests and to market challenges has allowed UNITEC to develop solutions completely manufactured in-house, 100% made in Italy, that respond to the needs of packing houses giving them the means to achieve real and long-lasting results.
And there is more. Thanks to quality selection with UNITEC innovative systems, producers can increase final consumer satisfaction and, at the same time, reduce waste, thus also helping to generate benefits for the planet.
UNITEC – we work for your results, for your customers and for a better world.