Increasing focus on sustainability for Italian berries

The progressive change towards a more conscious use of materials in the Italian strawberry sector is designed to help safeguard the planet’s future.
Mon 27/06/2022 by Gabriele Orsi
Andrea Badursi, president of Asso Fruit Italia

EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_SantOrsola.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28622473C” title=”EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_SantOrsola.jpgSant’Orsola launches Europe’s first zero-residue raspberry

Sant’Orsola has expanded its family of zero-residue small fruits: “After the success of our blueberries launched last year, we have introduced a zero-residue raspberry. It’s the first of its kind in Italy and Europe, as was our zero-residue blueberry in 2021. From April the new product will be available in a 125 g pack made of recycled material with a specially designed label,” said manager Matteo Bortolini. The 2021 campaign saw a general increase in production, despite the challenges in Trentino caused by April frosts and in southern Italy due to the excess summer heat and the cold in November and December.

EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_CIV-Parthenope-strawberry.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28622524C” title=”EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_CIV-Parthenope-strawberry.jpgCIV confirms success of the Parthenope® strawberry

CIV has received further confirmation of the potential of the Parthenope® variety (CIVS115*), which is already established in the Upper Casertano region. The latest reports come from the Piana del Sele, the production area known for the Battipaglia variety, but which has now become an area specialising in Parthenope®, with about 200 ha of high-quality production. “The Parthenope® variety is suited to areas where temperatures do not fall too low. It has a low environmental impact as it requires little fertilisation. It is of good size and its fruit can be stored in any kind of packaging,” said Giampiero D’Onofrio, technical director of the Consorzio Jonico Ortofrutticoltori.

EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_Berryway.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28622529C” title=”EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_Berryway.jpgBerryway guarantees year-round supply of berries to supermarkets

Berryway was founded in 2018 to give shape to an idea that had been discussed for many years: the possibility of supplying Italian supermarkets with exclusive premium raspberry, blueberry and blackberry varieties throughout the year. The four partners, two of which are based in Italy, focus on premium varieties in terms of aroma, size and shelf life. “It is not quantity that makes the difference, but quality. Berryway targets a high-quality market and seeks to meet new market needs. We are part of the private label projects of leading Italian supermarket chains and have received good feedback from end consumers,” said the firm’s president Carlo Lingua. Berryway was established with two main objectives: to aggregate and manage the sale of soft fruits on the Italian market and to increase production in the area.

EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_Asso-Fruit_Andrea-Badursi.jpg” style=”” swyp_id=”LQ28666487C” title=”EFD178_PROD_BERRIES_ITALY_INTRO_ITWS_LEV1_Asso-Fruit_Andrea-Badursi.jpgAsso Fruit Italia renews commitment to sustainable strawberry cultivation

In its everyday activities, Asso Fruit Italia is committed to developing the agriculture of tomorrow: “What connects many of our member companies is the strawberry. We are about to start work with antagonistic insects, which are those that keep pests away. This represents a key step along our path towards sustainability, with our members playing an increasingly leading role,” said Asso Fruit Italia president Andrea Badursi. Strawberries from Basilicata, available until May-June, are both a delicacy and an extraordinary source of vitamins and nutrients. The Metapontino area, in Basilicata, is one of the most ideal regions in Italy for this type of production. “Our production is carried out with respect for the environment and we conduct research to implement practices that can turn sustainability into a genuine commitment,” he said.

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