Ifored presents new red-fleshed apples
Ifored held the market launch for three new red-fleshed apple varieties at Fruit Attraction earlier this month.
The consortium – which brings together 14 of the biggest apple producers from 5 continents – was set up in 2012 to develop a range of red-fleshed apples with superior taste and a unique appearance that appeals to consumers worldwide.
The three red-fleshed apple varieties marking its market debut include one with yellow skin, one with orange skin and another with red skin.
In a press release, Ifored said there have been pre-commercial plantings of the new varieties in Europe since spring 2016, with the first tests scheduled for autumn 2017, and commercial plantings from 2018.
It said it is developing a unique brand and marketing strategy to support sales of the range worldwide.
Ifored chairman Bruno Essner said excellent results are being obtained with natural breeding techniques. The three new varieties have great potential thanks to their outstanding flavour and diversified skin colour.
“There are more cultivars already in the advanced test phase, so we can keep marketing exciting new apples to delight consumers in the future,” he said.
The Ifored partners will handle the production and marketing of the varieties developed on their respective markets. At present, total potential output of Ifored partners is 3 million tons on 55,000 ha across 13 countries.
The varieties are the property of French company IFO (International Fruit Obtention), which has a wide range of third- and fourth-generation red-fleshed varieties, the outcome of more than 20 years of research.
The three new red-fleshed apple varieties launched at Fruit Attraction are from the IFO conventional breeding program and have the following characteristics:
- R201 has an intense red skin with prominent lenticels, a bright red flesh and full flavour with notes of berry. The harvest period is similar to Braeburn.
- Y101 has a very attractive orange skin with yellow lenticels and a pink-red flesh. Its texture is firm and juicy, while the taste balances good sugar and acidity levels. Its harvest comes after the end of Gala.
- Y102 harvested after the Golden Delicious, it has yellow skin with prominent lenticels and pink flesh. It has a very nice eating quality and good storage ability.