Fruit imports to China surge by 8.8%
After a boom in imports to China in 2017, the powerhouse’s importers are optimistic about the prospects for 2018. According to Chinese customs data, in 2017, China’s imports rose by 15.9% to US$1.84 trillion, marking a remarkable recovery following the 5.5% drop in 2016. The rise in imports could be attributed to the rising Yuan (+6% in 2017), government support and the signing of trade protocols. Imports of fruit surged by 8.8% in 2017, with the value of fruit imported by importing company Yiwu climbing by 50-60%. The central government’s recent policy to reduce import tariffs on a number of products has also boosted demand for global goods. Meanwhile, while Chinese exports also grew in 2017, the increase was nothing like the boost to imports, with the value of goods entering China rising by about 7.9%.