France maintains leadership in stone fruit varieties
Frutaria Innovation adds low-chill varieties

Frutaria Innovation has expanded its portfolio of Regal’in round peaches and round nectarines with the addition of low-chill varieties adapted to warmer climates. These varieties are helping the brand recruit partner members in earlier production areas like Murcia, Sevilla, Morocco and California, while also establishing contracts with retailers throughout the entire season. There are over 8,000 ha of Regal’in varieties around the world, available between April and September in the Northern Hemisphere and from November to March in Chile and South Africa. In Spain, there are 200 ha of Regal’in brand orchards, the fruit from which is supplied by authorised distributors Frutaria and Fruits de Ponent. Another project developed by the company is the trademarked Ondine initiative which focuses on flat nectarines and flat peaches.
IPS expands range of apricots, cherries, plums and Honey Zee

International Plant Selection (IPS) continues to add to its range of HoneyZee varieties by Zaiger for the entire season with the introduction of new later varieties after Honey Sugar® and BigTop in July. The breeder has also introduced a new range of mini-plums with a high flavour profile, for future development in Europe and South Africa. Meanwhile, in its range of Royal cherries by Zaiger, IPS has expanded its variety portfolio with new material that requires fewer days of dormancy. In the apricot category, IPS now offers a full range of Carmingo red apricots worldwide from May 10 in Murcia to September 15 in Zaragoza. The portfolio of Rubingo purple varieties now has a harvest that extends from early June until early August. Carmingo varieties are also enjoying great success in South Africa with five partner growers and marketers: Fruits Unlimited, Icon, Stem, F1 and Delecta.