CIV at the Delphi Field Day in Horst and at the Berry Congress in Huelva with a focus on varietal innovation

The president Mauro Grossi: "We welcome the new arrivals in our CIV team: Andrea Colpo in the strawberry & soft fruit research area and Federico Stanzani in the commercial area. Fresh and young forces that will contribute to our current and future projects". In July CIV in England at UK FRUIT FOCUS at NIAB in East Malling
Tue 04/07/2023

In June, the CIV-Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti goes on with its continuous updating and sharing of information with other European operators with the participation in other important events such as the “Delphy ISFC Field Day” in the Netherlands and the Congress of Red Fruits in Spain with the aim of growing and creating new and stimulating synergies.

“To these events – the CIV president Mauro Grossi  emphasizes – they have participated respectively the dr. Andrea Colpo strawberry & soft fruits breeder assistant – joining in the Research Dpt. the colleague Andrea Farinelli already pipfruit  breeder assistant – and the dr. Federico Stanzani Head of business development who are the two latest arrivals in our CIV team which we extend a sincere welcome to our company: two important new collaborators that enrich (knowledge and experience) our current working group. The two colleagues were immediately engaged in important international events for our company with opportunities to meet/ update with our current partners and at the same time an important opportunity to update and/ or presentation of the latest CIV with many international contacts for the development of our projects around the world”.

In Holland Andrea Colpo with dr. Sarah De Laethauwer of Idris Consulting – CIV partner for over 30 years for Northern Europe – after visiting some of our Licensees of strawberries and the Institute Proefcentrum Hoogstratren – participated in Horst, at Delphi ISFC Field Day, an event where the exhibition dedicated to berries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries was held. Important moment of comparison – among other things – with interesting presentations on the propagation techniques of small fruits with different cultivation techniques and focus on re-flowering varieties with production in “greenhouse”.

Recently then (20-21 June) Federico Stanzani participated in the eighth edition of the Berry Fruit Congress 2023 organized by Freshuelva at Casa Colón in Huelva: the most important international conference for the soft fruit sector with the participation of producers, distributors and exporters together with service providers operating in the sector. Huelva has in fact the largest production area of berry fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries) in Europe. On this occasion Stanzani had the opportunity to meet – together with our local collaborator T&V CONSULTING of Rafael Vargas and Francisco M. Tirado Monge – the operating Partners and Licensees strawberries CIV in the Territories of Spain/Morocco, valuable collaborators of the consortium of Ferrara.

CIV will then be present on July 12th, 2023 with its own stand – organized by our partner Idris Consulting – at the next edition of the UK Event FRUIT FOCUS at NIAB in Est Malling. With the occasion will be presented the most recent varieties from of our different research programs of breeding of strawberry to be developed on a global scale. “Our work has a truly global dimension – concludes Grossi – we collaborate with the most important European and international public and private bodies (e.g. UK, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Mexico, etc.) thanks to a CIV Strawberry Portfolio extremely articulated and complete to be able to better meet the needs of growers of different geographical areas depending on the production system (cultivation in open field, above ground, in greenhouses, hydroponics, etc.) and of the global distribution.”

Info / CIV – Italian Consortium of Nurseries

CIV – the Italian Consortium of Nurseries – leads the way in terms of varietal innovation and the production of certified plant propagating materials. Headquartered in San Giuseppe di Comacchio, in the province of Ferrara, it has been in operation since 1983 and consists of three leading Italian nurseries:  Vivai Mazzoni, Salvi Vivai, Tagliani Vivai. Synergy, experience, and substantial investments in research have enabled CIV to offer leading-edge products that better meet market demands. With its long-term outlook, CIV has been engaged for years in selecting varieties that can provide high quality production with lower energy requirements and low environmental impact. Overall, every year the three nurseries produce about 5 million rootstocks, 3.5 million apple, pear and stone fruit plants, and 250 million strawberry plants. CIV is a founding member of the International New Varieties Network (INN), a global association of nursery gardens that promotes the exchange, assessment, and marketing of new varieties in the main production areas on a worldwide scale.





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