25th AECOC F&H Congress to analyse impact of inflation on consumer habits

On June 6 and 7, AECOC will gather leading producers and distributors of the fruit and vegetable sector at the 25th Fruit and Vegetable Congress to be held at the Palacio de Congresos in Valencia.
Mon 29/05/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The meeting will feature analysis on the current situation of the sector, the impact of inflation on consumption habits of fresh products and the advances that will mark the future.

On the first day, the NIQ consultancy will examine the figures for the sector in 2023 and will discuss the main trends and the evolution of the different categories of fruit and vegetables. After the presentation, AECOC Shopperview will provide insight into how buying habits for fruit and vegetables are changing and what impact inflation is having on the composition of the basket of Spanish households.

On the part of the companies, the sales and marketing director of Florette, Fermín Aldaz, and the fresh produce director of Carrefour Spain, Víctor José Ayllón, will examine the strategies that manufacturers and distributors are applying to respond to the needs of a consumer who demands convenience, health, sustainability and adjusted prices.

The meeting will also provide space to analyze the situation of the different links in the chain, innovation applied to the sector and the attraction of talent. The former Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Manuel Pimentel, will decipher the risk involved in abandoning the agrarian world and agriculture for food production and price containment.

NASA researcher and founder of SyNRGE, Gary Stutte, will present projects for growing food in space that are being developed and how they are already being used to improve the quality, productivity and profitability of crops.

The 25th AECOC Congress of Fruits and Vegetables will also have the participation of the director of development and talent of Grupo G’s Spain, Sonia Rosique, who will give her vision on what strategies the agri-food sector can adopt to attract and retain talent.


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