A new gold nugget for the Idyl Groupe

A new gold nugget for the Idyl Groupe
The Idyl Groupe is expanding and announces the launch of its start-up – Maghreb Palm Biotechnologies. This new company reflects Idyl Groupe’s desire to strengthen its specialist position in agricultural development. […]
Mon 30/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Tesco introduces new UK apple – Red Prince

Tesco introduces new UK apple – Red Prince
Tescto says a new English apple variety that keeps its taste while stored over winter is set to transform the UK apple industry. Thanks to the latest cold store technology and the apple’s unique […]
Sun 29/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Jimbofresh brings back the traditional melon taste

Jimbofresh brings back the traditional melon taste
Taste, freshness, juicy flesh, health… and especially the desire to recapture the old flavour experience still remembered so well today, when each fruit had its own special flavour. To succeed […]
Sun 29/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Health & organic food trends driving US sector

Health & organic food trends driving US sector
Demand for high-quality health foods is expected to help boost the otherwise stagnant consumption rate of fresh fruit and vegetables in the US, a market with a widening trade deficit […]
Thu 26/05/2016 by Julie Butler

Melons: a lucrative staple of EU fruit trade

Melons: a lucrative staple of EU fruit trade
Total melon imports within the European Union, including watermelon and papayas, last year reached a value of €1 billion and a volume of 1.7 million tons The value of watermelon […]
Wed 25/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Tesco introduces cauliflower & mushroom ‘steaks’

Tesco introduces cauliflower & mushroom ‘steaks’
In a nod to vegetarians who feel an afterthought at BBQs, UK supermarket chain Tesco this week launched a new prepared vegetables BBQ range featuring cauliflower steaks and Portobello mushroom […]
Tue 24/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

NZ’s deciduous fruit renaissance

NZ’s deciduous fruit renaissance
New Zealand’s deciduous fruit exports should reach a total of 351,000 tons for 2015/16, up from 333,218 tons in 2014/2015, according to updated forecasts in a recent USDA Gain report. […]
Mon 23/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Fruit and vegetable sources for the UK & Ireland

Fruit and vegetable sources for the UK & Ireland
While the UK sources most of its fruit from outside the European Union, it buys most of its vegetables from within the EU UK fresh produce imports – of both […]
Mon 16/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Morocco’s tomato growers discover solution to PepMV

Morocco’s tomato growers discover solution to PepMV
On April 20, Biobetter Maroc organised a well-attended seminar in Agadir to present PMV®-01 Bejo Veggie Corner, a vaccine against Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV). With more than 120 participants, local growers […]
Fri 13/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

Veggie sticks in convenient packaging at Bejo

Veggie sticks in convenient packaging at Bejo
Bejo’s stand at Fruit Logistica focused on 6 concepts around the theme ‘Taste, Health and Convenience’: Coolwrap, Delicioni (fresh onion), Kohrispy (kohlrabi sticks), Cool Carrot Candy (snack carrots), Veggie corner and […]
Thu 12/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

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