France dethrones Spain as Europe’s organic kings

France dethrones Spain as Europe’s organic kings
As the global market for organic products registers its greatest growth in recent years, reaching €120 billion, France surpassed Spain as Europe’s leading organic producer, according to IFOAM and FIBL […]
Thu 10/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Tesco to turn fruit and veg packaging into bin liners

Tesco to turn fruit and veg packaging into bin liners
A new recycling partnership between Tesco and packaging manufacturer Berry Global is to transform soft plastic from fruit and vegetable packaging into bin liners. Tesco has expanded its number of […]
Wed 09/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Zespri launches zero-carbon kiwifruit trial

Zespri launches zero-carbon kiwifruit trial
Zespri has launched a new project to explore ways in which its growers can produce zero-carbon kiwifruit. Grower association NZKGI said that Zespri wants a small number of growers of […]
Tue 08/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Del Monte France offers compostable labels for bananas

Del Monte France offers compostable labels for bananas
As part of its efforts to strengthen its commitment to sustainable development, the French subsidiary of the Fresh Del Monte group is offering plastic-free and compostable labels on all of […]
Mon 07/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Equal Exchange celebrates Banana Month campaign

Equal Exchange celebrates Banana Month campaign
Equal Exchange Produce’s Banana Month campaign in March is aimed at educating and celebrating the unique supply chain that Equal Exchange supports – one that’s built on long-term, direct partnerships […]
Mon 07/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

EU Organics Awards to recognise excellence throughout value chain

EU Organics Awards to recognise excellence throughout value chain
In a pan-European venture, the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), COPA-COGECA and IFOAM Organics Europe have together launched the […]
Wed 02/03/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Freshuelva joins call for improved water infrastructure

Freshuelva joins call for improved water infrastructure
Huelvan berry association Freshuelva has announced that it is to participate in a demonstration on 4th March to demand improvements in the province’s water infrastructure, which are crucial for the […]
Thu 24/02/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

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