Fall in China’s stone fruit production due to weather

Fall in China’s stone fruit production due to weather
Frost and hail in the stone fruit producing regions in northern China this spring, have negatively affected both the production and the quality of peaches, nectarines, and cherries.  The MY […]
Thu 23/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

Higher average monthly prices for Spanish tomatoes in 2018

Higher average monthly prices for Spanish tomatoes in 2018
The start of the 2017/18 tomato season began late, especially the branch type, as a consequence of the delay in transplanting. The aim of a later transplant is to reduce […]
Wed 22/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

Higher prices obtained for Spanish strawberries in 2018

Higher prices obtained for Spanish strawberries in 2018
Spain’s strawberry season began at the end of November, but by December it was less advanced than expected, due to the drop in temperatures, which slowed production. When Christmas arrived, […]
Wed 22/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

EU orange prices 16% above average

EU orange prices 16% above average
Adverse weather conditions in the US, Brazil  and  the  EU  has led to fresh orange consumption in 2017/18 falling by about 7.5% than the previous year, according to a USDA […]
Tue 21/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

Large cherry sizes this year in Germany

Large cherry sizes this year in Germany
The first cherries of the season arrived on the shelves of German retailers in the second week of June. Low volumes were available when the season ended in Week 28. […]
Tue 21/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

Record exports of Brazil’s orange juice

Record exports of Brazil’s orange juice
Brazil closed the 2017/18 orange harvest with a 29% increase fruit juice exports, thanks largely to the internal problems in the US market, thus setting a new record. According to […]
Mon 20/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

Azerbaijan, the new leading supplier of tomatoes to Russia

Azerbaijan, the new leading supplier of tomatoes to Russia
Azerbaijan became the leading exporter of tomato to Russia, according to the figures of Federal customs service (January- June 2018). Morocco and China are other leaders. Turkey, who used to […]
Mon 20/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

Russian consumers follow European trends

Russian consumers follow European trends
Russian consumers have been following world trends, increasing the consumption of fresh produces, purchasing ready-to-eat vegetables and toughening the quality and food safety standards. During last 3 years, the area […]
Mon 20/08/2018 by Richard Wilkinson

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