Eurofresh Distribution
Fighting food waste is one of the strategic objectives of Mercabarna, the public-private partnership food hub of Barcelona.
Fri 20/01/2023 by Gloria Zorrilla

© SG Marketing
What is the outlook for the fruit and vegetable segments of Italian retail? The answer can be provided in three terms: customer satisfaction, quality and differentiation. At the conference “Supporting the fruit and vegetable department, the commitment of grocery retail and production”, which opened the 2022 edition of Marca Fresh in Bologna, it was shown how the lockdowns and international and economic crises are leading to rapid changes.
Sun 11/09/2022 by Gabriele Orsi
Zerya is a research-focused quality standard that has specialised in zero-residue production for over 20 years. It abides by the conviction that safe affordable products are possible while also meeting consumer expectations and […]
Thu 26/05/2022 by Amanda Cardinal
“Zerya is a quality standard that has been working in research for over 20 years and is specialized in zero pesticide residue production. Its mission is to help producers with […]
Thu 20/01/2022 by Amanda Cardinal

Morocco’s leading tomato producer has continued to deepen its commitment to sustainability with the introduction of the zero-residue cherry tomatoes since 2019. Now, the firm offers its French customers 100% […]
Thu 02/12/2021 by Pierre Escodo - Translation Richard Wilkinson
UNICA, the leading horticultural exporter in Spain, and MAAVi Innovation Centre, the largest biotechnology centre dedicated to natural agriculture in Europe, founded by Kimitec, have signed a strategic collaboration agreement […]
Tue 10/08/2021 by Richard Wilkinson
The Flemish agricultural industry’s REO authority is supporting its growers attempts to meet the increasing demand for organic vegetables with a new initiative called ‘Zéro Résidu du Pesticides’. This collective […]
Mon 11/06/2018
Speaking at the recent Global Berry Congress 2018 in Rotterdam, Julien Mourrut-Salesse – Biobest’s Head of IPM and Pollination Specialists – highlighted a range of solutions to help address growing […]
Tue 22/05/2018 by Richard Wilkinson