Frank Nürnberger
Favourable weather conditions have allowed a good start to Spain’s spring melon season, with projections of good quality and sizes. Meanwhile, producers are seeking to extend calendars and tackle viruses. Long shelf-life and taste considerations are guiding varietal selection.
Wed 24/05/2023 by by Richard Wilkinson

The turnover of Anecoop S. Coop. amounted to €823.6 million, while the consolidated figure for the whole group of companies reached €998 million, 0.4% more than the previous year.
Fri 31/03/2023 by Pierre Escodo

Family-run Rosegar markets about 50% of its production in Germany, 25% in France, and 15% in Austria, while Canada and the Czech Republic are among the growing markets. The firm supplies about 25,000 tons of lemons each year, 7,000 tons of oranges, 2,000 tons of organic lemons, 2,000 tons of clementines, 4,000 tons of peppers and 7,000 tons of watermelon. It also produces 1,000 tons […]
Fri 16/09/2022 by Pierre Escodo
Asia-Pacific drives global peach demand, as US consumers turn to other fruits.
Mon 30/05/2022 by Richard Wilkinson