Rahan Meristem/Wageningen University
A new variety of Cavendish banana with complete TR4 Panama disease resistance will be commercially available from early 2024. The variety has been developed by Israel-based company Rahan Meristem in […]
Mon 17/10/2022 by Richard Wilkinson
Bayer’s “food value chain” team makes strategic alliances with influential players to generate pull for sustainability commitments.
Fri 22/04/2022 by Pierre Escodo

The Fusarium Wilt Tropical Race 4 (TR4) fungus has been detected in a banana plantation in north-western Peru, according to local media sources. Josué Carrasco, general director of Peru’s Plant […]
Wed 20/10/2021 by Richard Wilkinson
Fairtrade has announced an increase in its Minimum Price for bananas due to rising export costs and falling import prices, which have hit producers hard.
Tue 19/10/2021 by Richard Wilkinson
Good news in the banana sector as a breakthrough has been made in attempts to develop bananas with Fusarium resistance. The trials are conducted by a group of researchers at […]
Wed 18/08/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

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India’s banana farmers are reeling from the potential devastating effects of wilt disease, which is spreading across the country. The Tropical Race 4 (TR4) fungus strain which causes wilt disease […]
Wed 02/05/2018 by Richard Wilkinson