Errol Hogenkamp, AdobeStock
After 16 days of demonstrations and stoppages (as of June 28), Ecuador’s nonoil export sector had accumulated US$85 million in losses; 86% of the impact was concentrated on the flower, […]
Mon 04/07/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

In a letter addressed to Peru’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, César Landa Arroyo, the Association of Exporters (ADEX) suggested asking the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the United Nations to […]
Thu 30/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Jessica GowTT via ICA
Nearly half of Europeans think that securing a stable supply of food in the EU at all times should be a main objective of the common agricultural policy (CAP) according […]
Thu 30/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, the US and Mexico have released a common statement that as major agricultural exporters they can strengthen global food security. They stress the need to adopt medium-term […]
Mon 27/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

SEWCREAM/Adobe Stock
From labour and transportation availability to material and input costs, supply chain disruptions are causing issues throughout the North America produce industry.
Fri 24/06/2022 by Nadia Venticinque

Drewry Ports & Terminals
Container terminal productivity across Northwest European ports has deteriorated significantly over the past three years due to the challenges of handling larger exchanges, as carriers have consolidated port calls in […]
Tue 21/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Alexandra Sautois/Eurofresh Distribution.
Spain’s grape sector has experienced spiralling production costs in recent months times, which is set to impact the upcoming season. Joaquin Gómez, president of APOEXPA (Spain’s Association for Fruit Producers […]
Thu 16/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson
For the eighth straight year, Aldi has been voted the UK’s leading supermarket when it comes to treating suppliers fairly, according to an annual survey by the Groceries Code Adjudicator […]
Tue 14/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Newcastle Systems
Reverse logistics is “the sequence of activities necessary to collect the used product from customers in order to reuse, repair, remanufacture, recycle or dispose of it. Therefore, it represents essentially […]
Thu 26/05/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Tesco has called for the UK government to do more to unlock innovation in UK food supply chains and support market readiness, not just at the seed funding stage.
Thu 19/05/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Cool Logistics
CoolTech – a Cool Logistics event – is a new 2-day forum in collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam that will bring together technology users and buyers, developers, entrepreneurs and […]
Fri 06/05/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

The UK government has announced that it will be once again postponing phytosanitary controls on imports of fresh products from the EU, making this the fourth such delay. Government reports […]
Mon 02/05/2022 by Richard Wilkinson