Tasting Table
Italy’s fruit exporters are increasingly looking towards Asian markets, particularly for pears, apples and kiwifruit, according to CSO Italy. The organisation recently organised four inspection visits in the region to […]
Mon 20/11/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Frutas Charito
The downward trend in the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables continues. In total, each Spaniard has eliminated 2.45 kg of these foods from their shopping basket each month, while […]
Wed 15/11/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

In the UK, 60% of people are in favour of banning individually wrapped fruit and vegetables, according to a recent survey. Sustainable packaging firm W.F.Denny surveyed over 1,000 people, with […]
Tue 07/11/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Spain’s fresh produce exports from January to August 2023 were down by 7.7% in volume compared to the same period of the previous year, with a total of 7.6 million tons, while the value increased by 6 .5%, to €11.69 billion.
Wed 01/11/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

MSC Chile
A group of 23 Chilean fruit exporters have sued Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) for a “continuous and systematic succession of abuses” during the 2021/22 export season, resulting in losses of US$38m.
Tue 31/10/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Spanish exports of fresh fruits and vegetables outside Europe fell by 35% in volume from January to July 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, dropping to 169,735 tons. […]
Thu 26/10/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

BASF | Nunhems®
BASF | Nunhems® showcases 'Premium Universe' (a leading mini watermelon), the Galia melon project Galkia®, and Sunions®, the only onion on the market that does not make you cry.
Thu 19/10/2023 by BASF | Nunhems®

In the first 6 months of 2023, Spanish exports of fresh fruits and vegetables to Germany were worth €2.88 billion, up 12% compared to the same period in 2022, according […]
Thu 05/10/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Portugal Fresh
The export value of fruits, vegetables and flowers rose by 8.3% in the first half of the year, reaching a total of over €1 billion. This is the first time […]
Thu 31/08/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Freshfel Europe
Freshfel Europe’s team met with a delegation of Vietnamese officials on 30 June to discuss plant health as well as market access issues at the request of the Vietnamese authorities, […]
Mon 21/08/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Discount retailer Aldi UK has announced price cuts on 10 fresh fruit and vegetables by up to 36% to boost healthy eating during the cost-of-living crisis.
Tue 15/08/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The Spanish export of fruit and vegetables in May fell by 4.4% compared to the same period of 2022, with a total of 1.03 million tons, a figure that maintains […]
Tue 01/08/2023 by Richard Wilkinson