© tcc The vast majority of consumers believe that grocery businesses can play a key role in helping them to make more sustainable purchasing decisions, according to a new […]
Tue 15/06/2021

Fairtrade France has launched a €1 million project funded by the French Development Agency and French supermarket chain Carrefour aimed at supporting environmentally friendly practices and promoting gender equality across […]
Mon 07/06/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

© Freshfel Europe
Last week, Freshfel Europe reviewed the status of environmental footprint initiatives in the fresh produce industry with its members and decided to move forward towards a more collective approach for the sector. While the fresh produce sector’s sustainability journey began many years ago, there is still a lack of comparable data used in environmental footprints, which prevents consistency and accountability of the sector in responding to evolving legislative and customer requirements. Such an initiative will allow the supply chain to have its sustainability efforts better recognized in standards and in the Farm to Fork Strategy debate based on agreed Products Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PFEFCR).
Mon 01/03/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

Photos: ProColombia
“Today, the global trends suggest that sustainability in the life cycle of agri-food products must be shared by all links in the chain, by producers, industry, distribution channels and the […]
Wed 18/11/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

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Hinojosa has become one of a select few Spanish companies to achieve the FSC Multisite certificate, the result of a significant effort in transparency and environmental management for the entire […]
Thu 13/08/2020 by Richard Wilkinson