Eurofresh Distribution
Spanish supermarkets saw the same trends in September as in July and August: higher volume demand and a slowdown in price increases.
Wed 20/12/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Spaniards’ have increased their consumption of organic products by 19 times in the last 20 years. Spain’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has described the development of […]
Mon 11/12/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Frutas Charito
The downward trend in the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables continues. In total, each Spaniard has eliminated 2.45 kg of these foods from their shopping basket each month, while […]
Wed 15/11/2023 by Richard Wilkinson
Almost half of Spaniards are changing the way they eat due to the general rise in food prices. This is the finding of the 6th Health and Life Study prepared […]
Tue 14/11/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The Nordic Ministerial Council has published new nutritional guidelines for a healthier, setting dietary guidelines and nutrition recommendations in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Mon 14/08/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Food sales in the UK were up by 9.8% in June and 10.1% on a like-for-like basis, despite consumer confidence remaining “fragile”. According to the British Retail Consortium, total retail […]
Wed 19/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Eurofresh Distribution
The total consumption of fruit and vegetables per capita in Spain from May 2022 to April 2023 totalled 128.54 kilograms, which represents a reduction of 32.2 kilos compared to 2021, […]
Tue 18/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

In 2022, Spaniards consumed 12.2% less fresh fruit and 13.4% less fresh vegetables in volume compared to the previous year. This was the case across all categories. This is the […]
Mon 10/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables in Spanish homes continues to fall. In the period from January to November 2022, the volume stood at 6.4m tons, which is 12.5% […]
Thu 15/06/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

World Health Organization
Freshfel Europe’s Consumption Monitor shows that there is still a long way to go to reach the minimum recommendation of 400 g/day of fresh fruit and vegetables. The latest edition […]
Tue 11/04/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The latest estimates from the Freshfel Europe Consumption Monitor suggest that the average consumption of fresh produce among Europeans fell by 10% in 2022 from 364g per capita per day […]
Mon 06/02/2023 by Richard Wilkinson