Andalusia surpasses EU’s 25% organic area target

Andalusia surpasses EU’s 25% organic area target
At this month’s Organic Food Iberia expo, Andalusian organic agri-food products stood out for their quality, sustainability and flavour. During the two-day event, Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and […]
Mon 10/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Spain, Morocco and Italy remain key EU watermelon suppliers

Spain, Morocco and Italy remain key EU watermelon suppliers
Spain is the largest supplier of watermelon to the European Union, with exports to the community totalling 524.93 million kilos in 2022. This accounts for 30.75% of all watermelon purchased […]
Mon 03/07/2023 by María Belén Barbini


Quality from inside out Thanks to its irregular and attractive shape,Wabi-Sabi is a tomato that contributes to the fight against food waste. After consolidating the unique tomato’s success on the […]
Mon 03/07/2023

Mercadona takes steps to prevent food waste

Mercadona takes steps to <strong>prevent food waste</strong>
In 2022, Mercadona donated a total of 25,100 tons of products, 23,200 in Spain and 1,900 in Portugal. This figure is equivalent to more than 418,200 shopping carts and represents a 22% increase compared to the previous year. This aid was distributed in collaboration with over 550 solidarity entities in Spain and Portugal.
Mon 03/07/2023 by by Maria Belen Barbini

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