Semillas Fitó
The agricultural sector is, without a doubt, one of the most active drivers of our economy, with large vertically integrated companies that operate all over the world, recording significant turnover […]
Mon 06/02/2023 by Semillas Fitó
Eurofresh Distribution
Spanish fruit and vegetable production was worth €18.76 billion in 2021, according to the most up-to-date data from the country’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, corresponding to the month […]
Thu 02/02/2023 by Richard Wilkinson
Eurofresh Distribution
The sale of organic fruit and vegetables continues to increase, with exotics, prepared salads and convenience products dominating sales in this sector.
Mon 30/01/2023 by Gloria Zorrilla and Amanda Cardinal
Fruits Ràfols
The strawberry from Fruits Ràfols obtained the highest score in a blind tasting carried out in independent laboratories.
Mon 23/01/2023 by Fruits Rafols
Eurofresh Distribution
Fighting food waste is one of the strategic objectives of Mercabarna, the public-private partnership food hub of Barcelona.
Fri 20/01/2023 by Gloria Zorrilla