Expoalimentaria is the most important fair of food and beverage in Latin America. This year’s edition will take place at the Jockey Exhibition Center, Lima, Peru, from 27th to 29th […]
Tue 01/08/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The Ecuadorian banana sector is taking a step forward towards formalising compliance with national living wage policy by requesting the Ecuadorian Ministry of Labour an “official living wage compliance certificate”. […]
Thu 13/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) will hold its Annual Conference 2023 in the Moon Palace Hotel – the Grand of Cancun, Mexico, from October 25th to 27th. Our […]
Thu 06/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

The World Citrus Organisation reports that it now counts among its members Citrojugo, a Mexican producer, processor and marketer of acid citrus -based juices, essential oils, and dried peels. Citrojugo […]
Wed 05/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Ecuador’s banana exports from January to May were up by 2.43% year-on-year, from 158.92 million boxes in the first five months of 2022 to 162.78 million boxes this year, according […]
Tue 04/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

AgroFrest Perú
From 6-8 July, the Association of Agricultural Producers Guilds of Peru (AGAP) will host the 2nd. edition of AGROFEST 2023 in Lima. In this new version, the great experience of […]
Mon 03/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Agricultural Water Summit
In an industry that needs to be sustainable and constantly improve, the Agricultural Water Summit (AWS) event has become a benchmark for all stakeholders in the agricultural sector. After a […]
Mon 03/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Eurofresh Distribution
Plastic reduction, regenerative agriculture, social standards and footprint management are the main challenges.
Mon 03/07/2023 by by Pierre Escodo

This year’s International Aneberries Congress will take place between 26 and 28 July at the Guadalajara Expo centre in Jalisco, Mexico. With 12 years of experience, the event has positioned […]
Mon 03/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Maritime transport represents around 80% of global freight transport and is responsible for almost 3% of CO2 emissions. Therefore, it improve its sustainability in order to strengthen global value chains […]
Thu 29/06/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

México Desconocido
Assuming normal growing conditions for open-field and shade house cultivation, as well continued greenhouse technology use, Mexico’s 2023 fresh tomato crop is estimated at 3.87m tons, a marginal increase over […]
Wed 14/06/2023 by Richard Wilkinson