Eurofresh Distribution
Morocco becomes 3rd-largest raspberry exporter and 4th-largest blueberry exporter, but now faces serious challenges.
Wed 06/12/2023 by Pierre Escodo

Pierre Escodo/Eurofresh Distribution
Berries and tomato specialties now surpass round tomato crops by value.
Mon 03/07/2023 by by Pierre Escodo

Pierre Escodo/Eurofresh Distribution
The 2030 projection is for more than 350,000 tons of berry exports. In 2022, Morocco’s berry production included 3,400 ha of strawberries, 3,900 ha of blueberries, 4,100 of raspberries and 150 ha of others. Exports reached 214,000 tons of fresh and frozen berries in 2021/22, compared with 103,004 tons five years ago and 86,877 tons ten years ago.
Mon 03/07/2023 by By Pierre Escodo

The fresh produce company specialising in berries and citrus fruits continues to expand its hectares of productive land for raspberry, strawberry and blueberry production in its main areas of origin.
Wed 15/02/2023 by Daifressh advertorial

Eurofresh Distribution
The event was a great success, with 550 delegates from 30 countries, reflecting the strong development of Morocco’s berry sector.
Tue 03/01/2023 by Pierre Escodo

The great success of the event reflects the strong development of the Morocco berry sector, which receives investments from the world's largest berry operators.
Wed 23/11/2022 by Pierre Escodo

Morocco exported a record 770,000 tons of citrus fruits in the last 2021/2022 season
Wed 23/11/2022 by Pierre Escodo

Morocco Berry Conference
The Morocco Berry conference 1rst Edition was a gathering of more than 550 delegates from around 25 countries. Due to the pandemic the second edition was held online and gathered […]
Wed 03/08/2022 by Green Smile