European Commission
At the end of September, the Commission revealed the eight winners of the second edition of the EU Organic Awards. Much like last year’s edition, this year’s winners are various […]
Wed 11/10/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Dan Kitwood-Pool-AP
The new UK-EU Northern Ireland trade agreement has been given a cautious but warm welcome by Britain’s logistics sector.
Mon 06/03/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Eurofresh Distribution
While across all EU member states, only 12% of adults consume the recommended five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day, in Ireland, 33% of adults in Ireland […]
Thu 19/01/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Donelly Fruit and Veg
Ireland’s food retail market is dominated by a few chains, led by Dunnes Stores (22.1%), followed by SuperValu (18.5%) and Tesco (17%).
Fri 18/11/2022 by Maria Belén Barbini
The 13th OECD Rural Development Conference outlined the Cavan-OECD Roadmap on Strengthening Rural Resilience against Global Challenges. The 2-day Conference, held last week, was hosted by the Government of Ireland and convened around 500 delegates from 30 OECD countries, including […]
Thu 06/10/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Drewry Ports & Terminals
Container terminal productivity across Northwest European ports has deteriorated significantly over the past three years due to the challenges of handling larger exchanges, as carriers have consolidated port calls in […]
Tue 21/06/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

April 2022 – Tosca, a global leader in reusable packaging solutions and pooling, has launched an automated, cutting-edge washing centre in Dublin. Automation is the way of the future and […]
Fri 22/04/2022 by Tosca

All rights reserved
The recent EU referendum result and weakening of the pound against the euro could see many Irish shoppers return to old habits – heading across the border in search of […]
Wed 06/07/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

All rights reserved
Kantar Worldpanel’s latest supermarket share figures for – for the 12 weeks to May 22 – show a strong sales boost for the grocery market with sales increasing by 4.0% compared with last year, […]
Thu 09/06/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

All rights reserved
New store concepts for its SuperValu and Centra banners have seen Ireland’s Musgrave Group bag two prestigious design awards. At GlobalShop 2016 – held in Las Vegas in March and […]
Wed 27/04/2016 by Richard Wilkinson

All rights reserved
Headquartered in Cork, Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland is the largest division of the multi-billion euro Musgrave Group, which delivers sourcing, sales, marketing and supply chain expertise so local entrepreneurs can compete […]
Wed 02/03/2016 by Richard Wilkinson