The future of agriculture is about striking a delicate balance. A balance between finding ways to grow enough and decreasing its footprint. A balance between short-term and long-term: meeting everyone’s nutrition needs, while leaving our ecosystems in good health for tomorrow.
Mon 06/03/2023 by Pierre Escodo

The company takes leap forward in its commitment to the environment within transformation strategy implemented by new CEO.
Wed 23/11/2022 by Kimitec and Agroponiente

Almeria-based biotechnology company Kimitec has been chosen as China’s technological partner for the development of solutions for replacing chemical synthesis in the production of broccoli, lettuce and Chinese cabbage with […]
Wed 27/07/2022 by Richard Wilkinson
UNICA, the leading horticultural exporter in Spain, and MAAVi Innovation Centre, the largest biotechnology centre dedicated to natural agriculture in Europe, founded by Kimitec, have signed a strategic collaboration agreement […]
Tue 10/08/2021 by Richard Wilkinson