Eurofresh Distribution/Luis Enrique Juvinao
The surging demand for berries, which many consider beneficial for health, is driving up production. Huelva is the province with the largest blueberry production in Spain and in Europe.
Mon 27/06/2022 by Luis Enrique Juvinao

Fresón de Palos
Many companies have diversified their business models to account for the restrictions in place to combat the pandemic. As Freshfel reports, Fresón de Palos, for example, now has its own […]
Thu 20/05/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

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Fresón de Palos’ 2020 campaign got off to a normal start, with hopes of exceeding eighty million kilos. Among the novelties of the leading Spanish strawberry company based in Huelva, […]
Wed 06/05/2020 by Richard Wilkinson