Spain’s strawberry sector reported a total crop for the 2022-2023 campaign of 243,310 tons, down 10% from the previous year, according to data provided by the companies of the Association […]
Wed 19/07/2023 by Richard Wilkinson

Only 25% of Huelva’s 6,000 hectares of strawberries will continue production during the first weeks of June, according to www.agrodiariohuelva.es. One of the main reasons for the gradual closure of […]
Tue 24/05/2022 by Richard Wilkinson

Photo: Freshuelva
The average prices at origin of strawberries broke the negative trend since the second half of February, with a 1.6% rise recorded in week 14 compared to week 13.
Mon 19/04/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

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The second Berry Congress (Congreso de Frutos Rojos) organised by the Huelva Association of Strawberry Exporters and Producers, Freshuelva, was held on 22nd and 23rd June in Huelva, seeing a […]
Mon 05/09/2016 by Richard Wilkinson