1/ With the EU regulation project ”Nature restauration law”, what are the possible implications/future obligations for European fruit and vegetable producers? The implications will be that we have to take […]
Mon 20/11/2023 by Pierre Escodo

The European fruit and vegetable association FruitVegetablesEUROPE (EUCOFEL), which brings together more than 4,500 companies from the main European producing and exporting countries, has launched with financial support from Brussels […]
Tue 11/05/2021 by Richard Wilkinson

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Coordination at the community level will make it possible to guarantee the return of trucks, necessary to meet the supply of perishables
Mon 23/03/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

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EUCOFEL has launched a new tour to promote the taste of Europe. The Eurotour is an opportunity to discover the campaign group’s mobile greenhouse as it travels across Europe. Stating […]
Wed 11/09/2019 by Richard Wilkinson
EUCOFEL has launched a new campaign to promote the taste of Europe. Under the banner CuTE (Cultivating the Taste of Europe), the programme targets 11 specific fruit and vegetables in […]
Mon 12/08/2019 by Richard Wilkinson

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On Thursday 23 May 2019, FruitVegetablesEUROPE (EUCOFEL) met in Brussels with other European and national associations in the agricultural sector to discuss how to address concerns about the EU’s trade […]
Mon 03/06/2019 by Richard Wilkinson