Last week’s 2nd Inversolar Congress offered two days of interesting and constructive presentations in which solar greenhouses were confirmed as the most sustainable and efficient agricultural model available and the […]
Wed 08/12/2021 by Richard Wilkinson
AREFLH and Freshfel Europe held an online Joint 2020 Annual Event on 29 September 2020, when they examined the key challenges ahead for the European fresh fruit and vegetable sector […]
Wed 07/10/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

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The Assembly of European Fruit, Vegetable and Horticultural Regions (AREFLH) has called on EU Commission President Von der Leyen to implement exceptional measures to respond to the consequences of the coronavirus health crisis.
Mon 06/04/2020 by Richard Wilkinson

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The annual meeting of AREFLH, the association of European fruit and vegetable regions and producers, was held in Bordeaux, at the headquarters of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region. This year’s meeting, […]
Thu 28/03/2019 by Richard Wilkinson

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The AREFLH is an Italian association consisting of producers, managers, consultants, journalists, experienced researchers in different areas of the entire production chain, from the nursery to the distribution. The association […]
Wed 11/04/2018 by Richard Wikinson

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AREFLH, the Assembly of the European Regions Producing Fruit and Vegetables, has elected a new executive team. At the AREFLH General Assembly on June 22 in Brussels, Simona Caselli, Councillor […]
Mon 27/06/2016

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As part of the 2016 SIAM (Salon International de l’Agriculture au Maroc) in Meknes, the network Arbomed held a symposium on the theme “An observatory of production and markets, a key to […]
Tue 24/05/2016 by Richard Wilkinson