Vegacañada renews its commitment to melon taste & quality
Late melon production will be higher than the early varieties this season and Vegacañada is again committed to top quality and maximum flavour in both lines.
In principle, the higher melon production volume will be delayed several weeks compared to previous campaigns, while a certain preponderance of late watermelon crops is also expected, although to a lesser extent than in melon, said Manuel Soto, Field Department director at Vegacañada.
“Our work ranges from planning the plantations to calculating volumes and dates, so that our farmers are always well attended at all stages of the process,” Soto said.
This statement was seconded by commercial director Andrés Soler.
“We also provide ongoing information to our customers so they can plan their relationship with the markets and work with the smallest possible margin of error. All of this along with strict control of quality, where flavour is a crucial element,” Soler said.
Choosing the right time to cut the fruit, ensuring it coincides with the optimum degree of brightness, means that each individual piece has better flavour and higher value. Vegacañada has been working seriously and efficiently this way jointly with farmers for several years.
“The cut is important in the short- and long-term,” explained Vegacañada technical manager Antonio Algarra. “In the short term, items cut properly and at the right time get better reviews. And in the long-term, it will be this quality that ensures the prestige of our brands, both melon and watermelon, as well as of our region of Almeria,” Algarra said.
Once again this year, Vegacañada’s Christmas melons will be reaching the markets under the prestigious ‘Dulce de Vega’ brand, which also represents its black and white watermelons, both traditional and seedless, as well as the Fashion watermelon, the prestigious brand that the company trades as a member of the Fashion Group Association (AGF).